As it already has in a number of other industries, artificial intelligence is poised to drive major changes in the HR field. By adding AI to your hiring process, you can streamline your recruitment operation and improve your results.
There’s still time to gain a competitive advantage by adding AI. A study conducted by CareerBuilder a few years ago showed that only 13% of HR managers used AI as a regular part of their routine. However, in the same data set, 55% of those surveyed believed it would become a regular part of HR structures by the early 2020s.
Gaining an Edge from AI
AI uses computer technology to better accomplish certain tasks. You can apply algorithms to hiring situations, allowing you to cut the clutter and more accurately target promising candidates. Think of how Netflix suggests movies and TV shows you might like based on your previous viewing habits. AI can help you leverage that same convenience in hiring.
At the same time, you can cut down on time involved. A task that might take you hours (say, sifting through resumes) will only take a computer a few seconds.
Here are a few of the specific tasks that AI technology can accomplish in the HR field:
Filtering Candidates
In its most basic form, AI works like a search engine, allowing you to narrow your focus on the best candidates. Think of the filters on tools like LinkedIn and Indeed.
You can also use AI technology to facilitate communication with job seekers. Chatbots can improve your ability to juggle large numbers of applicants while improving the candidate experience.
Video Interviews
Machine technology can also facilitate the early stages of the interview process. The software can walk candidates through a video conference, asking pre-set questions, and recording the responses. On the high end, these programs can even read facial expressions and posture.
Advantages of Using AI in Hiring
The use of AI technology can boost your recruiting process in a number of ways. Here are a few of the most relevant benefits you can receive by integrating artificial intelligence:
Search Multiple Platforms
When you conduct job searches by hand, it becomes a labor-intensive process. You need to connect to multiple job sites and sift through the resulting resumes one by one. Using AI eliminates much of this hassle. You can funnel your sources of resume into your computer program, creating a one-stop method for finding candidates.
Streamline the Process
AI also cuts down on the work involved in filtering resumes. You apply an algorithm to your job applicants, allowing you to find the most promising candidates, those that best match the qualifications you are looking for. Your first cut becomes virtually instantaneous. If you don’t find the person you’re looking for, you can always return to your resume stack for another pass. But the AI process allows you to jumpstart the next phase of your hiring plan.
Weed Out Bias
Bias often hides below the surface. It can also take forms we don’t recognize – bias for certain schools, for certain parts of the country, for certain pet peeves about grammar or format. Left unchecked, these unconscious prejudices can derail your search and exclude otherwise deserving candidates.
AI can eliminate this problem. An algorithm doesn’t have unconscious biases. The only ones it applies are the ones you explicitly program. The program makes sure you only filter using the criteria you want to use, not ideas floating around in your unconscious.
Computer technology can significantly improve your recruitment process, so can good-old human expertise. By teaming with a top-flight staffing firm, like PrideStaff, you gain the insight and industry knowledge you need to develop the highest-performing staff possible.
Contact PrideStaff today to learn more.
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