As a good supervisor, you strive to get the best out your team, no matter the circumstances. However, that task gets trickier when direct oversight isn’t actually possible. In those situations, you need to upgrade your managing game. To do that, you should implement the best practices for performance management to get the most out of your remote workers.
COVID has driven most companies to embrace a remote workforce. According to Upwork, nearly 42% of U.S. workers operated from home as 2020 neared its close. This reality makes it critical to learn the best performance management techniques.
And remote work isn’t going anywhere. While experts expect many to return to the office once the pandemic passes, the work-from-home movement will continue to have a major impact on corporate structures. The same Upwork figures suggested that more than a quarter (26.7%) of employees would remain remote through 2021. Looking longer term, the company estimates that by 2025, 22% of people will conduct their business daily routines from their homes.
Given this outlook, you should take the opportunity provided by COVID to learn the best practices for remote management. Here are some things to keep in mind:
Stress Results, Rather Than Process
Just think of the definition of remote: far away, removed. Not exactly the type of arrangement that lends itself to close scrutiny of every minor task. Give up on micromanagement and focus on results instead.
Provide the Proper Tools and Training
Don’t just send your staff home and expect them to remain productive. You have to give them the proper tools and support. Build a strong technological backbone, one that facilitates effective communication and the appropriate productivity checks.
At the same time, ensure that everyone has the right training. Don’t leave people to figure out the software on their own. Provide a formal education process and follow this up with easy-to-use reference materials.
Build in Flexibility
Everyone’s home life is a little different. Remote work doesn’t have the controlled environment of an office. Instead, it more resembles controlled chaos.
Take this into account as you make your schedules and set your expectations. Have a flexible attitude to both hours and the process for completing projects. As you give up some of your rigidity, focus on outcomes and let your workers have a big say in the details of execution.
Encourage Frequent Communication
It’s important to stay in contact with your remote employees. This lets you track progress and solve minor problems. At the same time, you can maintain relationships, which often become faded in remote situations.
All-hands video conferences can be time-consuming, so keep those at a minimum. Instead, rely on less formal communication. Send texts now and then…or drop the occasional email. These small gestures will allow you to keep the discussion going.
Set Transparent Expectations
So, you’ve adapted to remote working by leaning into a results-oriented culture. Next step: you’ll need to make your expectations clear. Since you don’t have direct control over the day-to-day details, you need to track progress and guide your team by setting effective goals.
Timelines play a big part in this process. Set achievable deadlines and make sure your workers meet them. At the same time, create Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs. This lets your workers know how they will be evaluated.
Understand the Mental Toll
Remote work can take a toll on mental health. The lack of direct human contact can wear on your employees. Keep that in mind. As part of your communication strategy, find ways to build friendships and encourage the development of outside support systems.
Installing a remote work structure requires a high degree of trust. You need the right workers to make the system operate effectively. By partnering with a top-flight recruiting firm, like PrideStaff, you can build the perfect team for your remote environment.
Contact PrideStaff today to learn more.
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