It’s a world made for multitaskers. An accountant can’t just be an accountant. You have to display a bundle of skills. However, developing these competencies takes time and energy. How do you know which ones to focus on? We’re here to help. Here are nine skills all finance professionals need: (Provable) Accounting Chops Of course,… Read more »
The Watercooler is PrideStaff’s blog covering trends and tips for successfully managing issues in the workplace, such as: retention, employee engagement, and interviewing.
Recent Articles
You’re looking to get the most out of your recruiting process. You want to find the best candidate in the cheapest, quickest, most efficient way possible. This makes sense. Most things companies do during the hiring process are meant to help the company make the best decision, while simultaneously limiting waste. From resume gathering to… Read more »
Ah, summer. Longer days. A flood of vacation requests. Waiting a week for customers to respond to your emails. And the big chance to show off your patriotic spirit. Depending on your business, you might already give your employees a holiday on Independence Day. But you can go further in setting the mood. Here are… Read more »
Getting a raise is a binary prospect. Either you get it, or you don’t. The bosses say “yes,” or they say “no.” That makes the situation seem pretty simple. And while “yes” remains an uncomplicated answer, there are many ranges of “no.” The short-term implications of getting turned down for a raise don’t get more… Read more »
You know the type: The ultimate introvert. The kind of person who avoids hides in the bathroom when you’re handing out assignments that involve presentations, or virtually crawls under the table to avoid speaking at meetings, or calls in sick on their birthday to avoid a breakroom celebration. It may not seem worth trying to… Read more »
Once you get a job, you’ll be judged on your total output. Your bosses will see what you can do day in and day out. However, to land the position, you must perform well in a single brief, awkward conversation. It’s not a particularly fair system. But, unfortunately, it’s an almost universal practice. To get… Read more »
Leading a team can involve a lot of finesse. When you have creative and competent employees, the process can appear deceptively easy. But to draw out consistently strong performances (and to improve and evolve over time), you have to take a multifaceted approach. On a rotating basis, you can become task-master, psychologist, friend, rival and… Read more »
Back in the day, one-page resumes represented a practical necessity. In those dark, olden times, back when phones had cords and TV episodes aired one at a time, resumes were actually printed and mailed. Long documents created logistical problems. Now that everything takes place in a digital realm, these concerns have dissipated. Still, attention spans… Read more »
Replacing employees is a drag, especially long-time veterans you respected and liked. It’s like having to start dating again after leaving a long-term relationship. Employee departures (and breakups for that matter) are worse when they come by surprise. Not only do you have to conduct the expensive process of recruitment and training, but the unexpected… Read more »
Unemployment can represent one of the most stressful times a person can face. Mounting bills, dwindling savings, family and financial responsibilities weighing down on you. Keeping that period of time as short as possible becomes crucial to maintaining your mental health (and a healthy financial situation). Unfortunately, the length of time between jobs isn’t completely… Read more »