More and more, people think of themselves as brands. What in the long-ago past used to concern only large corporations, has trickled down, through athletes and celebrities and influencers, to become a day-to-day consideration of everyday folk. The rise of social media has given everyone their own internal PR shops. Not that everyone uses it… Read more »
The Watercooler is PrideStaff’s blog covering trends and tips for successfully managing issues in the workplace, such as: retention, employee engagement, and interviewing.
Recent Articles
Fierce competition dominates the labor market for financial positions. That’s always true. But before you get visions of a Hunger Games-style death match waiting for you at the next job fair, take heart. According to a report prepared by the industry experts at Robert Half, the increased competition is now between employers, not those looking… Read more »
Tradition used to dictate that Christmas decorations stayed in the attic until at least after Thanksgiving. Now, it’s not unusual to bring them out right after Halloween, with stores immediately swapping witches and ghosts for candy canes and Santas. Point being, it’s never too early to look ahead. This is especially true when it comes… Read more »
The end of the year represents a time of optimism and a time of reflection. Optimism for the year ahead (hey, at least 2019 isn’t an election year). And reflection to the year gone by (bright spots: Avengers: Infinity Wars; the Olympics…dark spots: well, no need to bring up those). In looking back, it’s important… Read more »
Go to the gym. Eat fewer carbs. Spend more time with family. Oh, and make more money and finally get your career on track. All of it falls into the classic easier-said-than-done category. The key is to avoid general resolutions and map out specific actions you can take to get going in the right direction…. Read more »
It can be a strange and awkward relationship. You see each other every day. You know almost everything about each other’s hobbies and personality quirks, but you’re not really friends. Sometimes your adversaries and you almost never have a meaningful two-way dialogue. It can be even harder in an industry like biotech. It’s a highly… Read more »
A lot of families have the same Thanksgiving tradition. They go around the table and everyone lists at least one thing they are thankful for. For you, the phrase “good employees” could get mentioned every year. Efficient and reliable workers make everything easier. When you complete a project or beat your production quotas, it’s because… Read more »
The holidays are coming. Along with the traditional seasonal pressures of picking out the perfect present for your spouse and dealing with distant relatives with unorthodox political views, this time of year comes with a lot of business stress. For managers, this includes holiday schedules. Everyone wants time off. And they all want the same… Read more »
At PrideStaff, we’re always looking for new ways to help you overcome your toughest business challenges. Through our Innovations LIVE webinar series, we’ve partnered with some of the world’s leading experts to tackle your biggest HR, recruiting and talent management issues. Our next free Innovations LIVE webinar, “Winning the Talent Wars,” is coming up on Wednesday,… Read more »
Turning to a staffing agency often represents a job seeker’s last resort. They hold out as long as they can. They run through all the dead ends and disappointments; then, in desperation, turn to a professional to help them find a position. Why do they wait so long? Usually, it’s the result of some misconceptions…. Read more »