Red Flags to Look For When Conducting Job Interviews


Red Flags to Look For When Conducting Job Interviews

Job interviews offer candidates a chance to convince you that they deserve a position in your organization. However, sometimes, an applicant goes in the opposite direction. Their behavior at or before an interview actually talks you out of hiring them. Should you listen to these red flags? About a third of hiring executives make a… Read more »

Questions to Ask During an Interview to Understand a Potential Job


We typically think of job interviews as a way for employers to interrogate potential employees, a step in the process companies use to winnow down the candidates for a particular position. And, of course, that’s part of the process – maybe even the largest part. But an interview should also provide the opposite opportunity. A… Read more »

5 Tips for Following Up After an Interview


A job interview feels like a conclusion, like a concert at the end of a long, tedious rehearsal schedule. But that’s not quite true. The interview doesn’t close off the recruitment process. Rather, you can still take steps to follow up after the meeting and improve your chances of landing the position. Can you make… Read more »

This Odd Action Could Tell You Everything You Need to Know About Your Candidate


PrideStaff Bend

You spend a lot of time crafting the perfect interview questions. But as much effort and research as you put into the process, you might learn as much about a candidate from a simple response to a seemingly innocuous offer. “Do you want a glass of water?” On the surface, it seems like common courtesy…. Read more »

Creative Interview Answers to “What’s Your Weakness?”


PrideStaff Bend

It’s like the final boss of the job search video game: the dreaded “what’s your biggest weakness” question. It’s the kind of query that keeps you up the night before. However, it doesn’t have to be an anxiety-inducing interview-killer. There are creative ways to turn the question to your advantage. The “biggest weakness” question doesn’t… Read more »