The Sansdemic and Employee Burnout: Supporting Your Team in Bend, OR


The Sansdemic and Employee Burnout: Supporting Your Team in Bend, OR

As a result of the sansdemic, many companies are struggling to meet productivity targets. After all, the labor shortage means many organizations aren’t fully staffed. In turn, reaching production goals becomes challenging. Unfortunately, failing to navigate these difficulties comes with an unintentional consequence: higher rates of employee burnout. When workers burn out, a hard situation… Read more »

5 Ways to Engage and Motivate the Younger Workforce in the Sansdemic


5 Ways to Engage and Motivate the Younger Workforce in the Sansdemic

Today, companies are facing significant challenges when it comes to managing productivity in the workplace. The sansdemic is limited access to talent, and many employers are struggling to get younger workforce members to put in their best effort. As a result, companies need to focus on finding ways to engage and motivate younger members of… Read more »

Which Industries Are Being Hurt Most By the Sansdemic


Which Industries Are Being Hurt Most By the Sansdemic PrideStaff Bend

Currently, many companies are struggling to hire. In many industries, there simply aren’t enough candidates to go around, a situation that’s referred to as a sansdemic. While every sector is feeling the pain of the labor shortage, some are harder hit than others. Here’s a look at the industries being hurt most by the sansdemic…. Read more »

COVID-19’s Effect On the Sansdemic


COVID-19’s Effect On the Sansdemic PrideStaff Bend

During the pandemic, layoffs were pervasive, as many companies had little choice but to shut their doors or adjust operations during shelter-in-place orders and similar restrictions. Additionally, many professionals had to leave positions for other reasons, such as to take care of their children when schools went remote and childcare facilities closed. As the pandemic… Read more »

Improve Your Candidate Experience to Avoid Sansdemic Issues


Improve Your Candidate Experience to Avoid Sansdemic Issues PrideStaff Bend

During a sansdemic, there aren’t enough skilled professionals to go around, leading to hiring challenges. Fortunately, you can position your company as an employer of choice by improving your candidate experience. In turn, the strategy could make sansdemic-related problems less troublesome. If you want to improve your candidate experience to avoid sansdemic issues, here are… Read more »

Why Are Labor Participation Rates Shrinking?


Why Are Labor Participation Rates Shrinking? | PrideStaff Bend

For several decades, labor force participation has been shrinking. While one reason is that many Baby Boomers are retiring, reducing the number of participants, that isn’t the only factor in play. Instead, some surprising groups aren’t reaching participation rates that were once present in decades past. Additionally, alternatives to traditional employment paradigms are a factor…. Read more »

Soft Skills to Look for In Employees to Help Overcome the Sansdemic


Soft Skills to Look for In Employees to Overcome the Sansdemic

Today, companies are facing a challenging situation, particularly when it comes to the sansdemic. Essentially, there aren’t enough members of the labor force to go around, leading to ongoing hiring difficulties that will remain part of the equation for the foreseeable future. Fortunately, overcoming the issues created by the sansdemic is possible. By focusing on… Read more »

Importance of a Talent Pipeline in the Sansdemic


Importance of a Talent Pipeline in the Sansdemic | PrideStaff Bend

Today’s employers are facing mounting challenges when it comes to cultivating a capable workforce. One key factor is the sansdemic, a situation where the labor force isn’t large enough to meet overall demand. While labor force fluctuations aren’t uncommon, the current state isn’t likely to improve. Instead, more Baby Boomer retirements, lower birth rates, and… Read more »

Tips for Large Companies to Overcome the Sansdemic


Tips for Large Companies to Overcome the Sansdemic PrideStaff Bend

Businesses of all sizes are facing a major labor problem. Long-term demographic trends have led to a shortage of qualified candidates, creating a condition that has become known as the sansdemic. A tighter labor market will make recruiting and team-building more difficult in the years to come. As a large business, you have many advantages… Read more »

3 Ways Small Businesses Can Combat the Sansdemic


3 Ways Small Businesses Can Combat the Sansdemic PrideStaff Bend

As a small business, you want to grow as quickly as possible. That means adding to your staff when opportunities come. But what if the talent you need isn’t there when you need to hire? Long-standing demographic trends have led to a lack of workers. This condition has become known as the sansdemic — an… Read more »